
Emergency Preparedness

What does Emergency Preparedness mean to you?

Sure it’s a cliché, but when talking preparedness the old adage “Better safe than sorry” is fitting.  There is rarely advance notice of an earthquake, a terrorist attack or a tornado before it flattens homes, destroys infrastructure or displaces entire communities.  And even when an emergency or disaster is anticipated, who can truthfully say that they’re ready for anything?

In the end, the “best offense is a good defense.” Your efforts now can make all the difference when emergency or disaster strikes later.

Prepare a Plan – Write and rehearse family communication and preparedness plans that identify a family meeting place, account for special needs, and include local emergency numbers and an “out-of-town” contact.

Make a Kit – Gather enough to sustain you and your family for at least three days. Suggested kit items include first aid supplies, non-perishable food, drinking water (one gallon/per person/per day), a flashlight, batteries and a radio.

Be Informed – Learn about hazards in your community; know which radio and television stations to listen to/watch and which websites to bookmark. You can contact your local emergency management office to learn about readiness planning and preparations. 

Inspire Others – Be a preparedness example for family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. Give blood or take a basic first aid course and invite others to join you. Share what you've learned about personal and family preparedness and find ways to involve others in the preparations.